Title: Legacy Of Suffering - v1.01
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/j-l/los.zip
Size: 87.82 MB
Date: 12/01/09
Author: Logan MTM
Description: Classic Doom with a Doom 3 touch! This Update includes some ZDoom members requests as Skippable Intro and biggest cutscene.
Credits: Daniel, Jive and Osiris Legacy!

Licínio - Art and design ( liciniosouz@gmail.com )

Marc A Pullen - Sound Tracks.

Paul - Art and design.
Base: New from scratch!
Build time: +3 years!
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder, Slade, SLumpEd and XWE.
Bugs: Please, let me know if you find out anything.
Rating: (222 votes)

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