Title: Looper Trooper
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/j-l/lt_wad.zip
Size: 449.75 KB
Date: 02/13/22
Author: kj sellberg
Description: "Stuck in a base of sorts. Strange things are happening. Gotta find a way out before reality itself breaks down!" Word to the wise: Choose your battles with care This is doom2 with a twist of survival shooter and a tad of non-euclidian geometry.

Map has been "disabled" through all hidden sidedefs. Secret areas are not tagged as secrets to avoid that annoying immersive breaking text and sound. There are plenty of secrets though. Hopefully they translate the feeling of being in secret areas anyways.

Hope you enjoy playing it. Good luck and have fun!

This is my third map ever made. I appreciate comments and thoughts.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 70-100hours
Editor(s) used: Doombuilder 1
Bugs: Some graphic glitches

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