Title: The Adventures of MassMouth
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/m-o/massm.zip
Size: 4.28 MB
Date: 02/24/00
Author: Cyb
Description: There's a story which you'll probably need to understand the plot (good lord, there's a plot?!) so read it or I might have to beat you down. It's at the bottom of this file. If you read anything, at least read that.
Credits: id for Doom and Q2, Raven for Hexen/ACS, Lee Killough for Boom/MBF, Randy Heit for ZDoom, Valve for Half-Life, Gearbox for OpFor, Stephen Monteith for MassMouth, TiC for the Sonic Blaster gfx/sounds, Kennith Scott for the status bar.
Base: Maps: Scratch

GFX: All new monsters are from OpFor or Half-Life. MassMouth is a Q2 PPM. The status bar is from Ken Scott's thetick.wad (spooon.zip on CDROM.com). The new BFG sprites are made by TiC (http://www.tic.de). All other weapons are from OpFor. 'The Eye' taken from Hexen (please don't kill me!).

Sounds: All enemy sounds except MassMouth's and the Stuka Bat's from OpFor or Half-Life (those two were made by me). Weapon/ambient sounds from Half-Life/Opfor/Q2. The Worm's sounds made by me, except his death sound (from OpFor). Small sample (22 secs) from 'No Leaf Clover' by Metallica also included.

Music: It's all Mark Klem and Dave Shaw stuff (because they rock total ass) except for map02 and the title music which have authors I do not know (darn).
Build time: Much, much too long. Probably four or five months.
Editor(s) used: WadED, WadAuthor, Warm, Paint Shop Pro 5/6, Sound Forge 5, WinTex, Dehacked, WadCat (the only way to merge maps without overwriting SCRIPTS lumps).
Bugs: I've tried to minimize cheating (aka taking the easy way out) as much as possible, but it's tough. Anyway, I'll leave it up to you if you want to take a shortcut, but I think I got rid of them all.

As for real bugs, sometimes if you cross over a linedef a certain way you'll only set off half the script, or none of it at all. This doesn't happen very often, and I probably only know it because I playtested this thing so much.
Rating: (16 votes)

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