Title: Mercurial Dregs
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/m-o/md.zip
Size: 2.86 MB
Date: 11/25/23
Author: suzerduzer
Description: Mercurial Dregs is a set of 3 boom-compatible maps themed around a broken world drenched in blood. They're very orange & red and I'd like you to play them. All difficulties have been implemented, so feel free to drop the difficulty if it's too challenging. I intended each map to be played from pistol start but I suppose you can do whatever you want.
Credits: GothicBox for playtesting, and everyone else who provided feedback on DW.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: Two months, with a long gap between each
Editor(s) used: Ultimate Doom Builder, Slade, Paint.net
Bugs: Not that I'm aware of

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