Title: |
merkin |
Filename: |
levels/doom2/Ports/m-o/merkin.zip |
Size: |
59.39 KB |
Date: |
08/31/13 |
Author: |
TimeOfDeath |
Description: |
weird and ugly '90s-style map |
Credits: |
Base: |
New from scratch |
Build time: |
Editor(s) used: |
Bugs: |
Rating: |
(8 votes)
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| I just don't get TimeofDeath's maps. It's a horrifying mess of textures thrown together, some HOMs for flavour, plus my perennial favourite of inescapable lava. Was Memfis playing the same map as everyone else? It seems not. I suppose we can at least congratulate TimeofDeath for his imagination, if not his ability to make brilliant maps. | x | |
| Weird and ugly indeed. Good? Not so much. | x | |
| This could have been a great "psychedelic" map with better texturing, but with all the HOMs everywhere, it's just a mess. Even most of the very early Doom maps had better texturing than this. Such a shame. | x | |
| Exciting, clever and funny BFG spam map. You can tell the author had a good time making this. My favorite bits are the lift activated by pressing hellish "hearts" and the crazy staircase that keeps moving up and down. | x | |
| Even for 1994 that looks atrocious. *Shudder* One star because you can get away with it. - Obsidian | x |
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