Title: Midnight
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/m-o/midnight.zip
Size: 950.6 KB
Date: 09/24/23
Author: EANB
Description: Midnight features 7 maps of Doom action with a dark backdrop. Set in an abstract prison-town, each map is relatively short and aims to present fun and challenging encounters with small numbers of monsters (every map has less than 120 enemies). Despite the theming, it's not a horror wad and you typically won't have visibility issues. Difficulty starts moderate and scales up to around Plutonia level.

Visually, I took a lot of inspiration from Doom 2 in Spain Only. I acknowledge I've used a lot of brown here, but I've tried to insert some red, green, and white where appropriate. Map 4 was particularly inspired by Nostalgia map 16. All the music comes from the Raven Midi Pack.

Difficulty levels are supported. Compatibility: limit-removing, Doom 2 (cl2). Tested in DSDA and GZDoom. Should work in any limit removing port. Designed for pistol starts, but play how you want. Continuous play will just be easier. No jumping, please. Co-op is supported but untested.
Credits: Textures: 32in24-15 Music: Raven Midi Pack
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 1.5 months
Editor(s) used: Ultimate Doom Builder, Slade 3
Bugs: None known

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