Title: akashic migraine
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/m-o/migraine.zip
Size: 921.54 KB
Date: 02/04/22
Author: emma "msx2plus" essex
Description: desperately needed to take a break from making polished, pretty, and accessible mapping for TIME TRIPPER and tap into something way less friendly and refined. an inscrutable place that emphasizes restricted movement, hurt floors, platforming, and awkward combat.

UV is the difficulty that was designed first, with HMP being a pretty reasonable easing up on it (called "FewerMo" ingame). HNTR has been re- placed with "NoMo", simply containing no monsters since i can't be bothered and some of the plat- forming may be enough of a challenge for many.
Credits: STBAR based on work by Terraformer9x. akolai, heavyviper, momi, chrono for playtest.
Base: new from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Ultimate Doom Builder, SLADE, Photoshop, OpenMPT
Bugs: probably some HOMs somewhere. lots of misaligned textures, not necessarily "intentional" but all embraced.

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