Title: Meat Machine
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/m-o/mmfinal.zip
Size: 3.84 MB
Date: 11/25/23
Author: Treehouseminis
Description: 4 level wad. comp level 9 boom. slaughter type game play at times. level 04 is full "gauntlet" type Slaughter

Heavily inspired by the game "Control", Liminal spaces, Brutalist Architecture.

*STORY* You arrive at you're new overnight custodial/mild security job at a secluded office building edge of town. Your Boss tells you to get the keys to the janitors closet in his office on the 2nd floor. Turns out whatever business the people do in this building, isn't completely on this plane of existence...
Credits: Music:

Title: The DOOM world is Flat - Decino Inter: Stomping Grounds - Lee Jackson

Map01- Wretched Harangue - Dragonfly and Lippeth Map02- The DOOM world is Flat - Decino Map03- Source of Stress - Doomkid and Jimmy Map04- Fianl DOOM Legion of the Lost(cover) - Tristan Clark

Duketex from: Daniel "Tormentor667" Gimmer

OTEX from: "Ola Bj rling (ukiro)"
Base: Doom2
Build time: 6 weeks
Editor(s) used: UDB, Slade3, WackED

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