Title: Man on the Moon - 2021 edition
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/m-o/motm.zip
Size: 3.05 MB
Date: 11/11/18
Author: Yugiboy85
Description: This is a significant update to my previously released "Man on the moon" (2018). Just like "travelling to the moon", this is done to celebrate the announcement of the third installement and also to bring it to my current standards.

This one recieved a massive gameplay overhaul, specifically on the progression side of things. The exit is now more visible and you only need 3 keys instead of 4 (the 4th green key is still here but optional) for example. This one also recieved a few visual upgrades (mainly the starting area to connect it to the prequel more) although, I was already pleased with how it looked so, it's pretty small upgrades (aside from the starting area of course).

Anyhow, as a result, I think the map flows better and you should have fun with this one ;)

ALSO included in this file:

- A "legacy" folder containing the original release (2018) + its readme file. (Motm.wad + motm_old.txt)

- A ready to use command line in txt format (MOTM_21.txt) for prboom+ (you will need to save it as a bat.

Have fun !
Base: Modified version of my previously released "man on the moon"
Build time: 2 months I'd say for the updates
Editor(s) used: Ultimate Doom Builder, Slade 3
Bugs: I have not seen any gamebreaking bugs and, none were reported by my testers for this version. There may be the odd slimetrail but, heh, I think I got rid of most of them.

Due to the map using a dehacked boss, I would advise against any gameplay mod. Cosmetic mods should be fine (see david newton's video on the map) but, even then, not tested. Use at your own risk, but be warned, I can't be responsible for any bugs encountered while playing with them.

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