Title: 1024 seized megawad
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/m-o/my1024.zip
Size: 1.55 MB
Date: 01/25/08
Author: Walter "Daimon" Confalonieri
Description: This time, our friendly Daimon will delight the community with this new megawad, all sized in the fashionable 1024x1024 limit.

This map will look maybe a bit obsolete (DEHACKED instead of DECORATE, some naive in the layout form) since this is a megawad which i'm working on since 2006, and after some projects, real life and various other stuff i finished right now. That's all.
Credits: ID, for the fancy game! My family Nick Baker for Gray textures and Mortiser Resource Team TNT for the Eternal Resource Pack 3d realms for Duke Nukem 3d 2002mids.zip for some music i used here (MAP01, MAP15, MAP16) ID doom unrealesed music for the same reason above (MAP03, Intermission) Apogee Software for Rise of the Triad (some music) Vgames.com for the music i've used in MAP12 Zdoom community for monster source pack "Gamarra's world" buddies for public beta testing! other people i forgot to mention
Base: New from Scratch
Build time: approximately 2 years, with various breaks in the project.
Editor(s) used: Doombuilder, XWE, Wintex 4.3, Paint, Goggle, Zennode
Bugs: none, i think. If you find any, mail me.
Rating: (13 votes)

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