Title: Newgothic - movement 1
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/m-o/ngmvmt1.zip
Size: 7.39 MB
Date: 10/23/10
Author: Christopher Shepherd aka Armouredblood
Description: My little repository of insane slaughter maps. Movement 1 released because I wanted to focus on Uacultra 2 with 40oz. So about the maps, this wad contains 18 gothic, industrial, or hell-themed maps, many are actually a bit of a combination of themes. Expect numbers of monsters around the largest slaughter maps you've encountered, or possibly more. But the gameplay in most will be a little easier cause I overstock powerups.
Credits: Celtic shrine author, people on the thread at DW for feedback.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 10 months, off and on. Average time to map a map was 2-3 weeks
Editor(s) used: DB2, XWE, WINTEX 3.4
Bugs: maps 13,15, and 21 can experience slowdowns on less powerful computers, and the eastern caves part of map21 causes slowdown for everyone who has played it.
Rating: (47 votes)

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