Title: Nashville, Tennessee
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/m-o/nshville.zip
Size: 81.62 KB
Date: 08/09/15
Author: Paul "skillsaw" DeBruyne
Description: A simple map for the ill-fated Secret Santa project. I completed this in November 2012 according to the file's time stamp, but I never released it.

Music is from Requiem - "Reason for Nothing" by Mark Klem.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: A couple hours
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder, Slade
Bugs: None
Rating: (11 votes)

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5-minutes map. Layout is constructed by integrating a lot of very simple scenes. Decoration is standard. Ambiance indeed reminds me to some Memphis levels. Gameplay @ UV is not bad, but simple and has no surprises. Overall: not bad at all, but also nothing special or even new, and not severely inviting for a replay.x
UV-Maxed in 7:43 (two tries from scratch). I'm not familiar with the work of Memfis, but this has a very late 90s/early 2000s feel to it, a far cry from Skillsaw's usual material. The level well-crafted all around, but lacking in challenge compared to Skillsaw's usually medium-hard fare, and a little too short for a stand-alone release.x
Nnnnah. Not something worth releasing to the archives after all the previous masterpieces.x
Pleasant Memfis map... made by Skillsaw :) f.Fx
Well, as a Secret Santa map it fails because it's not some clever and subtle style imitation but a blatant remake of several areas made by the original author. But sure, it was interesting to see a remix of several locations from Kuchitsu. Spambot check: 9 + 7 = 16.x

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