Title: Nuclear Bunker
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/m-o/nukebnkr.zip
Size: 1.17 MB
Date: 07/22/22
Author: Dr. Zin
Description: Sprawling techbase exploration focused dungeon crawl with mostly low intensity combat (though there are a few set piece battles). This map was finished in 2007, but I hadn't released it because it was supposed to be part of a mini-episode that was never finished. The map's been sitting on several hard drives over the last 15 years, and I figured it should be finally be allowed to see the light of day. Note that I haven't done any changes or updates to the map, so it doesn't necessarily follow the modern rules of good map making. That being said, it's easily the better than any of my maps from that era that were released.
Credits: All of the people keeping Doom alive over the years.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: Mostly built in late 2006 and finished early 2007.
Editor(s) used: Doombuilder 1, SLADE

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