Title: Object "34": Sonar
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/m-o/o34s.zip
Size: 6.05 MB
Date: 12/31/11
Author: Lainos [B0S]
Description: This map is a last from trilogy called "Objects" (Object ''32'', Object "33"). This time, main character (marine, main hero) was sent to underwater station, where the main communication is conn.
Credits: [LeD]skepticist, Shadowman and VladGuardian for testing. lafoxxx [B0S] for titlepic and interpic

Music from: Unreal Tournament 3 (game) (2 tracks) Unreal Tournament 2004 (game) (1 track) Space Rangers 2: Dominators (game) (1 track)
Base: New from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Doombuilder (1,2), XWE, Photoshop, Paint, Gold Wave, Jet Audio.
Rating: (36 votes)

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