Title: Oreo Cake Massacre
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/m-o/ocm.zip
Size: 9.02 MB
Date: 06/03/17
Author: mArt1And00m3r11339
Description: Oreo Cake Massacre is a huge slaughter level that consist of mainly brown and white, resembling an Oreo cake. You will need a ZDoom-driven Doom engine to play the level (such as ZDoom, GZDoom, Zandronum, etc.). You will need a good video card because if not, you may not have a pleasurable experience playing the level. Textures used include sf2012-tex, cc4-tex, GOTHICTX, NB_RECOL, and q1tex. If you do not like slaughter levels, this one is certainly not for you. Credit goes to Chris Balch for the Slaughterfest 2012 textures and the stuff that came with them and Daniel Jacobsson and Zachary Stephens for the music, which is from level 20 from Italo-Doom. Credit also goes to Okuplok for the inspiration as this level is based off of the level he designed. Demo of this level is found at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3asGTqcNjJ0&t=16663s
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 1 month (approximately)
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 2, edited with GZDoom Builder, Slade

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