Title: Operation Destruction
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/m-o/opdes.zip
Size: 499.12 KB
Date: 08/22/00
Author: Rick Clark
Description: If you looked at DTNC this may be familiar.
Base: All new levels from scratch.
Build time:
Editor(s) used: WadAuthor
Rating: (3 votes)

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this deserves 5 stars just for the texturesx
This is a compact techbase with lots of new textures. There are a couple of source port features and some pleasant proper 3D floors (the readme asks for Edge, but it works with GZDoom as well). The map is small and entertaining a for a short while, but it's very easy and feels like the introduction level of a megawad, the kind of thing you whizz through to greater things. The 3D effect probably wowed them in 2000 though.x
A small level with some cool new textures. It was fun to play it a round. 6/12/07x

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