Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/m-o/otb.zip
Size: 704.41 KB
Date: 07/26/21
Author: Sloth Marine (CB)
Description: It was just a normal day at the CJB tech base, people were getting work, the machine men were making sure that the power supply machine was working, the people in the caves trying to find 40 missing workers, and people set study these creatures known as the "Doom Monsters" were trying to find out where they came from, when suddenly some of the creatures broke free and started attacking everyone either by gruesomely killing them or Possessing them.

About ten minutes later the UAC got a emergency call about the tech base being in danger (the reason this happened was because they had been allies for years and even shared things) so they sent the troops (including you) to exterminate the problem, little did you guys and UAC know, there was Demons outside where you were supposed to sneak into, so all the troops got mauled but you found a hiding spot.

You first think to call in back-up but you realize that'll be hours before they get here, and by then you'll be Demon's lunch, so after some thinking you decide to just go in and deal with the Problem yourself.

Also I really don't care what you do with this wad, just if you planning on putting in wad please credit me
Credits: Id Software, Lee Jackson for the ROTT midis, People who made the custom graphics.
Base: New from scratch, alothough the idea of the map came from a older map by me
Build time: I think a little over a week but I wasn't counting
Editor(s) used: GZDoom Builder, Slade 3
Bugs: Generalized Actions don't work when recording a demo

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