Title: Overlook City
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/m-o/overlook.zip
Size: 11.32 MB
Date: 02/01/23
Author: Federico Milesi (aka MrFroz)
Description: This map was meant to be part of my old Blood-inspired mod. I started developing it during 2018, but I couldn't complete it due to some complicated personal circumstances.

My previous map was based on the Wild West era level of Duke Nukem: Time to Kill, so I felt like that game was a great source of inspiration and decided to recreate the popular city level next.

This time around, it was a little bit more complicated to design everything since as opposed to a western setting, Blood textures and props weren't quite enough to render a modern city. So I had to import a few assets from Duke Nukem 3D and Realm667.

Feedback for early screenshots of the level received praise for truly looking like a map from Blood. There was also someone who told me that the design reminded him of Batman Doom, which I never played. I love it when people have their own interpretations of what I do

After having a work-in-progress version of this map rotting for about four years, I decided to finish it for once and I think the end result is my best map yet.
Credits: Ceeb for the Blood 1 Textures pack, plums for the sky texture, NerdKoopa for the voxel vehicles, Monolith for Blood, n-Space for Duke Nukem: Time to Kill and 3D Realms for Duke Nukem 3D.
Base: Made from scratch.
Build time: Nearly a month.
Editor(s) used: Ultimate Doom Builder 3.0.
Bugs: None that I know of.

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