Title: 1x1
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/1x1.zip
Size: 43.35 MB
Date: 09/27/23
Author: brendondle, raddicted, SoulRunner, msx2plus, besus, Ravendesk, Rayziik, MasterMedi, Maribo, RedBoule
Description: 1x1 is an MBF21 (-complevel 21) community project hosted in my discord server. The concept is simple: the maps only use 1 texture and 1 flat, with the exception of a single switch texture and F_SKY (which was only allowed to be used if the texture was transferred to it!). The wad features 24 mbf21-compatible maps (01-21, 31-33) made by various authors, with difficulty ranging from around early Sunlust difficulty to absolutely batshit crazy, though difficulty settings are implemented. Maps are ordered very roughly by difficulty. Pistol starts are intended but not required.
Credits: All the people who made this wad possible.

Erik Alm and Scythe 2 for evil marines.

Doom 3/Sunlust for the plasma sound.

Creators of cc4tex and 32in24-15 for some textures.

Rayziik for all the dehacked work.

dashiefrickintyan for the m_doom, titlepic, interpic, statbar, and help screen.

Petyan for the invuln palette.

Xulgonoth for the translation tables.

My youtube commenters for text screens.

And you, the player, for playing the wad.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: ~5 months
Editor(s) used: UDB, Slade, Decohack
Bugs: None

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