Title: 30 Screams (a community collision: 32 mappers making 30 second maps in 4 hrs)
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/30screams.zip
Size: 197.45 KB
Date: 12/16/23
Author: Clippy Clippington, Nootsy Nootsy, spineapple tea, Dubbag, DoomGappy, Peccatum Mihzamiz, Kuro Mahoh,
Description: So for doom 30 anniversary and on a whim I made a 30 second map - I mentioned it on my discord (found here https://discord.gg/jWQtB3YdHN ) and it's probably the fasted community project ever) I didn't even know I would be doing it that day and 32 of came together and slammed this together so fast - I am endlessly impressed by the community good ppl merry Clipmas!

Map author and titles below:

01 = Clippy - Odyssey of Screams 02 = Nootsy-Nootsy - [untitled] 03 = spineapple tea: Wow.wad II: The Wowwening 04 = Dubbag - Spaghetti 05 = thelamp - [untitled] 06 = DoomGappy - Archviles are Brazilian and I can prove it 07 = Peccatum Mihzamiz - I Swear It Usually Takes Longer 08 = Kuro_mahoh - I just took the fattest shit ever today 09 = spwnSH4Rk - triangle fucker 10 = scientifikgenius - LOLOLOL 11 = DuckReconMajor - Pointless Anecdote 12 = NiGHTS108 - I, On The Behalf Of The 60 Minute Marathon Team (NiGHTS108 & Synami) Formally Permit This Sequel To Our Megawad, 60 Minute Marathon 13 = Kugamo - Happy 30th 14 = DuckyCart - Horseshoe 15 = Coolmc2222 - PUANCH!!! 16 = WhatTheDuckXD - 30 second disaster 17 = Death Bear - Crevice of Cacophony 2: The Urge 18 = Grizzly Old B - You'll Die Anyway! 19 = Large Cat - The Pinnacle of Decoration 20 = CBM - Trash 21 = LPad - Triangles 22 = A Handsome Fridge - HighQualityYouveBeenWanred 23 = DiR: Ah shit the key fell out of a hole in my pants now I gotta go back and find it 24 = slayer's - [untitled] 25 = Stupid Bunny - Bupid Stunny someone named it that for me 26 = LordEntr0py - No Time for a Na 27 = Dark Pulse - No Time To Die 28 = MrPred - Belch 29 = Chookum - What 30 = Pistoolkip - Icon of Derp 31 = Portponky - [untiled] 32 = Arrowhead - Jagged Path'
Credits: Nights108: TITLEPIC, INTERPIC, BOSSBACK Pistoolkip: intermission text scientifikgenius: HELP graphic, intermission text Peccatum Mihzamiz: ENDOOM Death Bear: M_DOOM DiR: Title Screen Midi
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 30 seconds per map, 4 hours of assembly
Editor(s) used: UDB, SLADE, etc.
Bugs: Many.

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