Title: Thirty years with Doom
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/30years.zip
Size: 34.64 MB
Date: 01/20/24
Author: Russian Doom Community (see below)
Description: A classic Doom megawad made by level designers at iddqd.ru to celebrate the anniversary of their beloved game. The maps provide a variety of experiences: there are ones authored by newcomers and by experienced mappers, desert cities and snow-covered bases, compact and very large levels. The first episode is based on the original Doom, while the later maps are variations on Doom II-related themes.

Warning: the megawad uses nonstandard episode and level progression defined via UMAPINFO, so in an older port like PrBoom+ you will skip large parts of the megawad if you play continuously and enter a secret level.
Credits: ID Software, all authors of music (see below), textures
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 01.09.2023 - 21.03.2024
Editor(s) used: DoomBuilder 2, Ultimate Doom Builder, XWE 1.16, Slade, Photoshop and others.
Bugs: None

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