Title: 32in24-14: How the Hamburglar Stole Christmas
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/32in2414.zip
Size: 13.51 MB
Date: 01/18/15
Author: The 32in24 Team!
Description: "...It was the pinnacle of burgerdom. Finally, the long summer's study in Aberdonian cuisine and bovine mating rituals had yielded of a supple, juicy tower clad with buns too good to slap and the fattest sow the YEDS had ever sewn. The chief engineer-turned-overlord of foodstuffs, Percival Mechacook, deemed it necessary to awaken Shaitoken from his long winter's slumber to celebrate this yuletide achievement. Together, they would drive the Yeoman Engineers of Software and Design into a golden age of quality dining and unencumbered festivity. Christmas would take on a whole new meaning, and this time there would be no mistakes...

The burger was transported cross-country with 48 (respectably delicious) dummy-meals for protection. It was these meals that prevented the dreaded Hamburglar from eating everything in the back of the truck, his gristly whiskers lapping up the meat with fevered relish. Instead, the disgusting tramp of a man was only able to consume a whole 7 of the burgers before his stomach gave way and he was forced to ship the rest of them to his top secret Threecock Christmas Facilities for quality assessment.

One of these facilities now houses The Prize... but how long before it goes bad, or is eaten by the Hamburglar? Will this meaty masterstroke be the saviour of Christmas, or its ultimate undoing?"


And the Hamburglar puzzled, till his puzzler was sore Then thought of a thing that he hadn't before! "Maybe Christmas," he thought, "doesn't come from McDonalds." "Maybe Christmas... perhaps... cannot be robbled!" And what happened then? Well... in Doomworld they say, That the Hamburglars hidden penis grew three sizes that day!

And then he was arrested for lewd conduct with Joe-Ilya in the men's room of a McDonalds. The Yeoman Engineers and Designers of Software carried out the arrest and swiftly carried out a military tribunal. Hampton C. Burglar was found guilty of billions of counts of burger larceny and poorly concealing his penis in the titlepic and sentenced to death by firing squad.

The levels in this iteration of the series are:

MAP01: "The Krusty Krab Kwanzaa Kaper" by Wartorn MAP02: "Santa's Got The Shotgun" by MTrop MAP03: "Jewish Space Lizard Counter-Christmas Stronghold" by Tib MAP04: "Krampus Academy" by NoneeLlama MAP05: "Belligerent Bauble Bastion" by Obsidian MAP06: "Christmas on Deimos" by Walter Confalonieri MAP07: "Cold Coffee" by Jimmy MAP08: "Your Subscription to Egyptian Addiction, CE" by Tib MAP09: "I'm Dreaming of an Orange Christmas (In Space)" by Breezeep MAP10: "Hey Guys Romero Actually Showed Up This Time" by Marcaek MAP11: "Chapel of Christmas" by Tango MAP12: "A Very Tyson Christmas" by The Mionic Donut MAP13: "Reindeer Processor" by Jimmy MAP14: "Grilled Mormons" by Gothic MAP15: "Buntaluffigus Mountain and Generic Caps (also, Baby Jesus)" by TMD MAP16: "Chrismrace Challengemas" by jmickle MAP17: "Let It Snow" by JC MAP18: "Assault on Mount Crumpet" by The Mionic Donut MAP19: "Violent Night, Holy Shite" by Skillsaw MAP20: "Air Jordan" by Esselfortium MAP21: "One Flew Over The Reindeer's Nest" by Stewboy MAP22: "Rockets on the Fir Tree" by franckFRAG MAP23: "Walken in a Winter Wonderland" by Shadow Hog MAP24: "All I Want For Christmas is a Masterbowl" by AlexMax MAP25: "Winterfresh Gum Dictatorship" by RottKing MAP26: "A Very Patrick Swayze Christmas" by Zakurum MAP27: "No Festivus For the Living" by Xaser MAP28: "Christmas Eve in the Pie in the Sky Diner" by lupinx-Kassman MAP29: "Missiletow" by Mechadon MAP30: "Christmas Dinner Pizza" by Nub Hat & Esselfortium MAP31: "How Santa Claus Screwed Up Keycard Valley's Water Supply" by Dusk MAP32: "Jingle Hell" by Tango MAP33: "Raging Red Yuletide" by Baratus MAP34: "Milk and Sugar" by Cacowad MAP35: "Egyptian XMas Party (That You're Not Invited To)" by BlackFish MAP36: "Fuck Christmas, I Just Want To Read!" by Philnemba MAP37: "It Came Upon a Midnight Blackout" by Getsu Fune MAP38: "Christmas The Flag" by Nub Hat MAP39: "Candy Base" by joe-ilya MAP40: "Chocolate Swamp" by joe-ilya MAP41: "The Day When Santa Captured The Flags" by Dusk MAP42: "Plumbing Work on Christmas Eve" by Nub Hat
Credits: esselfortium for getting the resource wad set up, and making some super sick textures, Shaikoten in his usual hosting and TITLE/INTERPIC duties, Xaser and nub_hat for tireless compilation and dealing with last minute changes, dew for being basically the gameplay director. Pretty much the same as last time!
Base: Some maps new from scratch, others based on layouts from previous 32in24s.
Build time: One day for layouts, a week for refining, followed by a couple lazy weeks of bugfixes
Editor(s) used: Pretty much all of them.
Bugs: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Lists_of_insects
Rating: (39 votes)

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