Title: 400 Minutes of /vr/
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/400minvr.zip
Size: 5.72 MB
Date: 05/29/22
Author: Various
Description: This project contains 37 maps, all made within 400 minutes (with a few exceptions,) inspired by the previous X Minutes of /vr/ projects. All maps are Boom-compatible and use rfhelltx.wad for textures. UMAPINFO is utilized to supply special actions and allow for a 37 map WAD. This set is intended to be played in complevel 9 with a UMAPINFO compatible port. Also included in the zip is an extra WAD featuring a non-widescreen HUD for ports that do not support widescreen HUDs.
Credits: Level Design: Redead-ITA, Sitri, ViolentBeetle, Anonymous, EnragedEggplant, Desert Yeti, A2Rob, NepNep, Revae, Wolpertinger, ttu, Rancid Sam, Bartekmil, Captain Mozzarella, ASO3000, Coffee Achiever, Hand-peeled, Kuramori, Zipon, Washing Machine Enthusiasts, lunchlunch, MacGuffin, charcola, brxyz, punch you in the face man Testing/Streaming: stxvile, Tarnsman Co-op testing: Jedd, Babby_32X, Rancid Sam, Alex, punch you in the face man, Captain Mozzarella, Sitri
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 2 Weeks
Editor(s) used: Ultimate Doombuilder, Slade
Bugs: May still contain texture misalignments, minimalist HUDs may have key displays slightly broken

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