Title: 512 Linedefs of /vr/
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/512linesvr.zip
Size: 5.38 MB
Date: 07/04/22
Author: Various
Description: 32 maps constructed using no more than 512 linedefs in each map. All maps are designed in Boom format (complevel 9) and use ultratex.wad for textures, also utilizing UMAPINFO to supply special actions. Also contains a separate WAD for ports that do not support widescreen HUDs.
Credits: Level Design: Redead-ITA, EnragedEggplant, GuyWithTeaCup, Anonymous, Murm, ASO3000, desert yeti, Revae, Zipon, RancidSam, washingmachinewashingmachine, MacGuffin, ViolentBeetle, Hege Cactus, donk_konk, LunchLunch, Wolpertinger, Hand-peeled, Bartekmil, brxyz, NepNep, Jarmo, Yuji Sakai Testing/Streaming: stxvile, Tarnsman, Murm, various anons
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 5 weeks
Editor(s) used: Ultimate Doombuilder, Slade
Bugs: MAP07 will not function properly outside of complevel 9 or a ZDoom port, MAP22's MIDI may have issues looping, may still contain texture misalignments or other small errors

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