Title: |
Five Minutes to Kill |
Filename: |
levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/5min2kil.zip |
Size: |
795.5 KB |
Date: |
03/09/22 |
Author: |
Victor "Rivi" Gasior III |
Description: |
5 Minutes to Kill is a speed mapping project where every consecutive map in the set gets 5 more minutes of mapping time. Starting at 5 minutes with MAP1, 10 minutes with MAP02, 15 minutes with MAP03, etc. The levels are organized by mapping time, NOT by difficulty, and the mapset is also a bit of a variety pack, with gameplay ranging from classic techbases, to combat challenges, to slaughter. Due to this variety pack nature feel free to jump around if a map doesn't fit your liking or skill. Levels are designed and MEANT FOR pistol start. It is not enforced however if you need it to be easier, keep in mind this will ruin the design of some maps. |
Credits: |
Keagan "Dunn & Dunn" Dunn TMD Mek's Box o' Skies 3 |
Base: |
New from scratch |
Build time: |
3 Months |
Editor(s) used: |
Slade 3, Ultimate Doom Builder, Doom Writer |
Bugs: |
Rating: |
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