Title: Arriving Early
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/aefinal.zip
Size: 5.8 MB
Date: 06/07/24
Author: A2Rob
Description: 15-ish MBF compatible levels. This project serves as a little spinoff to my Running Late wads.
Base: Resource Wad - 32in24-15 tex

Various custom graphics by A2Rob - (Title Pic, Intermission Pic)


3D Realms

ID Software

TNT 2: Devilution

Doom Potpourri Texs


HSTEPS - Ancient Aliens

ZTVEND01 - Tarnsman's Projectile Hell

Xtra Lites Texture Pack - FuzzballFox
Build time: Over 2 years
Editor(s) used: Ultimate Doom Builder / Slade / WhackEd4 / Gimp / Photoshop
Bugs: Probably

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