Title: Austrian Avian Association
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/auavian.zip
Size: 35.7 MB
Date: 04/14/24
Author: MundyC
Description: Austrian Avian Association is a 18-level total conversion for Doom II, taking place in a 1800s Austrian alps setting. Play as Schnabelperchten doctor Katharina Berger as she has to fend off a sudden invasion of strange creatures! Then, journey to an excavated temple in the mountains of Croatia in search of a baetylus, which can revive the innocent lives that were lost during the invasion!

This WAD contains three episodes, easily seen with a source port that supports UMAPINFO: -Frozen Hell: Starts at MAP01, continues to MAP09. -Post-Mortem: Starts at MAP13, continues to either MAP32 or MAP16. -Solid Killing Matches!: Deathmatch levels. Consists of MAP10, MAP11, and MAP12.
Credits: ukiro for OTEX, ReaperAA for ColdPal, Viridis and Animation Magic for most of the soundtrack. A full list of resource credits is located in README.txt
Base: New from scratch
Build time: November 2022 to April 2024
Editor(s) used: Ultimate Doom Builder, SLADE, ENDEDIT, Audacity, Paint.net, ROBLOX Studio
Bugs: Elephant Gun can sink shell amounts into negatives if played on basic Boom - this is why PrBoom+ is recommended

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