Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/baculus.zip
Size: 4.23 MB
Date: 10/06/23
Author: Glen Christie (Crunchynut44)
Description: An entire megawad from scratch inspired by the likes of Scythe, Plutonia 2 and many many more. An easy going mapset compared to whats out there, designed to appeal to anyone looking for a relaxing general play through.

The making of this WAD has been a hell of a journey for me, from very humble begginings this mapset has been through one serious development hell. Years and years of slowly getting better at mapping and writing music that is far beyond the scope of these levels now, but im still very happy with the result even if its aged.

Anyway, enjoy!
Credits: Keyboard_doomer for the extensive testing. galileo31dos01 for some additional thorough testing and bug finding/fixing and for some new graphics including the fancy new HUD and TeamTNT/Stewboy/Jimmy to whom I pilfered some MIDIs from, also AD79 for the water fall textures from his WAD 50 monsters, it looks great and is an edited texture from the Iwads... Thanks all
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 7 - 8 years
Editor(s) used: DB2, Slade

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