Title: Baron Door
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/barondoor.zip
Size: 12.45 MB
Date: 09/01/22
Author: Biodegradable, Sandwedge, Clippy Clippington, Knifeworld, Dubium, KurryMayo, smeghammer, Kan3, Pisto
Description: So it all started one day when Biodegradable was like yo can Barons open Doors? Sandwedge then lead a research expedition and it kind of got away from all of us and next thing you know Baron Door became self aware and 96 maps later and many participants - who could have thought we would find so many ways for barons to open doors?

Enjoy these maps as pistol starts as they were intended, or play continuously for an easier time but it was not balanced for that.

Here is the map list and author information

The main event is of course:

***Baron Door***

1 = red fist of blood by Clippy 2 = Barons o fun by Knifeworld 3 = wheel of misfortune by Clippy 4 = Paradigm Shift by Clippy 5 = Blue Plinko by Clippy 6 = Noble Doormen by Knifeworld 7 = Dead Complicated by Dubium 8 = Kuro Has Barons by KurryMayo 9 = Baron Doors by smeghammer 10 = Takeshi's Doors by Kan3 11 = Humiliated by Dubium 12 = Jersey Shore by Pistoolkip 13 = SCOOBY BARON DOOR by evil scientist42 14 = Prisoners of Woe by Man With Gun 15 = Unlawful Baronial Knowledge by Death Bear 16 = Maraudoor by Chookum 17 = Oops by Zulk RS 18 = Baron Mind by Dubbag 19 = do you even lift by HrnekBezucha 20 = Attack on Titan by Astro X 21 = Baron and Friends by Snaxalotl 22 = Doorception by Pistoolkip 23 = DOORS OF BARONCEPTION by evil scientist42 24 = Barons are Gentlemen by NilsQ 25 = Barend Canyon by Matacrat 26 = The Pizza Guys Are Here! by Chookum 27 = Wrong Turn on Baron St. by Snaxalotl 28 = Village of Barons by Astro X 29 = Baron director's cut Idk man by Astro X 30 = Bio was Wrong by Clippy 31 = Baron Womb by Dannarchy 32 = Is the Sky A Door? by Zulk RS

///// if you completed the above - stick around for some bonus material:


1 = Put Me In The Wiki by Sandwedge (1st map!) 2 = Gothenburg labs by dyshoria 3 = Achterbakse Schavuit by Peccatum Mihzamiz 4 = hoof tip tapdancers by Clippy 5 = Valet of Hell by Blue Phoenix 6 = Baronic Space Elevator by Zulk RS 7 = Get Your TNT Out of My Baron Door by Zulk RS 8 = 41 Barons by Steve88 9 = you_cant_enlarge_without_the_aid_to_dodge by dyshoria 10 = Bludgeonator IV: Blood of the Baron by Clippy 11 = Humiliated (extended original version) by Dubium 12 = The Four Headless Doorsemen of the Apocaclips by Clippy 13 = Train in the Ass by Clippy 14 = They Can't by Pistoolkip 15 = Good Vibrations by Dannarchy 16 = Chase The Light; Barons Chase You Endlessly by Zulk RS 17 = Baron Portal by Knifeworld 18 = HBO's Barry, but it's a Baron instead of Bill Hader by Dubbag 19 = Freak on a Leash by Dannarchy 20 = The Floor is Lava by Astro V 21 = The Sky is Lava by HrnekBezucha 22 = I WAS BARON THIS WAY by evil scientist42 23 = Heart Attack by Dannarchy 24 = Helping Hand by Dubium 25 = Just Like a Baron Ass by Knifeworld 26 = BREDD by Worriedidiot 27 = Simple Memorization Game by Valhen_Saipiam 28 = WTF.wad by Zulk RS 29 = Sectors of Silence by HALFCOOL 30 = Icon of Door by Pistoolkip 31 = Wolfendoor by Clippy Clippingdoor 32 = Baron Doorgasm by Clippy

///////// if you still aren't full enjoy the chaos that is:


1 = Closing Time by Clippy Close the Door 2 = Final Barondown by evil scientist42 3 = Insatanity by Man With Gun 4 = Baron assaultby Astro X 5 = Snowblinder by Maribo 6 = Hellknight Window by evil scientist42 7 = Simple Memorization Game (original version) by Valhen_Saipiam 8 = Baron Something Something by SuyaSS 9 = Wall of Baron Floors by Knifeworld 10 = Monty Hall Barodox by DiR 11 = If the Baron in the Middle Dies, Bad Stuff Will Happen by Large Cat 12 = Doorjave Desert by HALFCOOL 13 = Barons Meat Tunnel by ClumsyCryptid 14 = The gentlemen by Silent Wolf 15 = Yes, It's Maxable by Rocky 16 = Some Light Reading, Vol. 1 by Death Bear 17 = Some Light Reading, Vol. 2 by Death Bear 18 = Some Light Reading, Vol. 3 by Death Bear 19 = Baronderhalls (of the Damned) by DiR 20 = More Light Reading, Vol. 1 by Death Bear 21 = More Light Reading, Vol. 2 by Death Bear 22 = More Light Reading, Vol. 3 by Death Bear 23 = Baronial Annotations by Death Bear 24 = Lost Pages by Death Bear 25 = Unholy Writ by Death Bear 26 = Some Heavier Reading, Vol. 1 by Death Bear 27 = Some Heavier Reading, Vol. 2 by Death Bear 28 = Some Heavier Reading, Vol. 3 by Death Bear 29 = I�m Done Reading, Now by Death Bear 30 = Closure by Death Bear 31 = Restricted Section, Vol. 1 by Death Bear 32 = Restricted Section, Vol. 2 by Death Bear
Credits: more people than I can even think to name - the whole community is awesome! Dubbag your Dubbagviles are hilarious! Matacrat for credit screens. HALFCOOL for the door menu graphics. Chookum for learning me titlepatches and making a bunch. Pistoolkip intermission screens. Valhen silent midi map you will hear it when you see it. Dannarchy final door end screen. Sandwedge for testing damn near every map. And especially Biodegradable for lighting the flame if he wants to admit it or not lol - it inspired a lot of fun maps and ideas!
Base: all new stuff
Build time: 3.5 months
Editor(s) used: many
Bugs: this started as a limit removing project - but some maps require more - please see these important exceptions:


Map 14: Requires Boom port or higher


Map 9: Requires some sort of zdoom port for baron ball switch activation Map 17: loses functionality in zdoom based port but can still be completed Map 19: Requires some sort of zdoom port for baron ball switch activation Map 28: some watery visual buggery outside Gzdoom


Map 3: Requires Boom port or higher Map 13: Requires Boom port or higher Map 15: Standard exit cannot be reached with non-vanilla ports

........or when in doubt use a boom port of some kind like DSDA, PRBOOM even Gzdoom family stuffs

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