Title: Doomed: By the Hour
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/bythehour.zip
Size: 2.25 MB
Date: 08/02/23
Author: finnks13 & Yumheart
Description: A full megawad of speedmaps that were (mostly!) made in an hour or less, for NaNoWADMo 2022!

The standard 30 maps are split evenly between us, with Map31 being a collaboration and Map32 being a guest map by gabirupee!

Three vaguely themed episodes & three familiar custom monsters await you in this monumental mapping extravaganza described by some people as "one of the wads released this year", so get psyched!

We hope you enjoy the wad!
Credits: MUSIC: D_DM2TTL - "Fun Naming" from Mother 3, sequenced by Cyber Buddha D_DM2INT - "As you Wish" from Mother 3, sequenced by Jayster D_RUNNIN - "Stage 6" from The Ninja Warriors (SNES), sequenced by Stockman D_STALKS - "The Ancient City" by Yuko Takehara, sequenced by Teck D_COUNTD - "Caves of Narshe" from Final Fantasy 6, sequenced by Jan van Valburg D_BETWEE - "Give in with Pleasure" by Mark Klem D_DOOM - "Soldier of Chaos" by Jonathan El-Bizri D_THE_DA - "Dark Man Castle" by Mari Yamaguchi, sequenced by Sword-Bolt D_SHAWN - "Stage 2" from Cybernator, sequenced by Sean Bee D_DDTBLU - "On the Hunt" by Bobby Prince D_IN_CIT - "Alien Ship" by Stuart Rynn D_DEAD - "Rampage Virus" by Psychedelic Eyeball D_STLKS2 - "Dungeon Theme 1 - Privateer's Hold" from The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall D_THEDA2 - "Waiting for Romero to Play" by Bobby Prince D_DOOM2 - "Nemesis" by radix / meka design D_DDTBL2 - "Dark" by Kevin Schilder D_RUNNI2 - "Fate of the Damned" by Daniel Bernstein D_MAP15S - "The Moon" from Ducktales, sequenced by Gigasoft D_EVIL - "Doom e1m1/megalovania mix" by Xaser D_ULTIMA - "Oozinator" by Ribbiks D_DEAD2 - "Raw Hatred" by Sam Woodman D_STLKS3 - "Goin' Down the Fast Way" by Lee Jackson D_ROMERO - "Scrap Brain Zone" by Masato Nakamura, sequenced by King Meteor D_SHAWN2 - "Anchor" by Mark Klem D_MESSAG - "Blood 1" by Daniel Bernstein D_COUNT2 - "Raceway" from Mario Kart 64, sequenced by King Meteor D_DDTBL3 - "Lair of Shial" by Daniel Bernstein D_AMPIE - "Selection Screen" from Secret of Evermore, sequenced by The Jade Emperor D_THEDA3 - "Act 5 - 1" from Ninja Gaiden, sequenced by Jay Reichard D_ADRIAN - "Suck This!" by Lee Jackson D_MESSG2 - "Wily's Fortress 5 & 6" from Mega Man 3, sequenced by Teck D_ROMER2 - "Welcome to the City" from Deltarune, sequenced by NetCavy (https://netcavy.net/midiarchive) D_TENSE - "TikTok" by Kesha, sequenced by unknown D_SHAWN3 - "Premonition" from Fury^3, sequenced by Jay Reichard D_OPENIN - "Icon of Sin" by Bobby Prince (how scandalous!) D_MAP30S - "The Demons from Adrian's Pen (Remix)" by Jay Reichard

TEXTURES: PatchTEX by Gothic SKY1 from DOOM2.wad (recoloured to blue) SKY2 from DOOM.wad SKY3 from ksutra.wad Fixed Plutonia bricks by Jimmy Other plutonia textures from PLUTONIA.wad Misc Textures from cc4tex: NiGHTMARE Espi Eriance Fredrik Johansson Janitor DaGGeR Ola Bjorling Vader XDelusion esselfortium RottKing Nuxius Afterglow AgentSpork RottKing Enjay Huy Pham SargeBaldy Tormentor667 The GothicDM Team The Requiem Team The Eternal Doom Team id Software Raven Software Rogue Entertainment

GRAPHICS: Afrit graphics from scythe2.wad Green Cyberdemon graphics from fcff.wad

DEHACKED: Afrit dehacked from resurge.wad

TESTING: Dusty_Rhodes gabirupee Ludi

RC1 FEEDBACK (thanks so much!): Arsinikk Christophine Place DrRock galileo31dos01 Keyboard_Doomer Vile
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 2 months
Editor(s) used: Ultimate Doom Builder, Slade3, DoomWriter, Doom Text Generator by eevee
Bugs: Probably some slime trails

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