Title: Community Chest 3
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/cchest3.zip
Size: 12.32 MB
Date: 11/21/07
Author: Various (see Credits)
Description: The third installment of the series, Community Chest 3 boasts 32 maps made by 20 different authors from the Doom community. After one year of work, they have been made available for your enjoyment.
Credits: Thanks to Rick Clark for the pwrcore.wad prefab used in MAP31 "Disarming the Mechanism". The text file for this prefab has been appended to the end of this file. Thanks to Paul Corfiatis for being a good sport with the overenthusiastic teenage version of myself during our email correspondance back then. He playtested the map and various aspects like the height of the ourdoor areas near the center of the map, the gradient light column around sector 662, and the row of colorful torches near the end of the map were his ideas. Thanks to Fredrik Johansson whose style was a large influence on me back then. Several of the ceiling lights used throughout the map are like those in his Vrack series of maps. Thanks to Johnatone for the server rack wire detailing in secret sector 1445. Its based on the detailing of secret sector 186 from his "Doom: A Megawad in Two Weeks" MAP14 "The Containers". Thanks to The Green Herring who convinced me make a serious plot for the map as opposed to the weird self-referential story it originally had, and for the easter eggs referencing it and the map in his MAP15 "Clash of Galaxies". And thanks to Dutch Devil and the rest of the playtesters who gave me advice on improving the map. The small amount of resources I added for MAP31 are described individually in detail under the "Community Chest 3 MAP31" sections in OldResourceCredits.txt of LKTex.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: One year
Editor(s) used: Too many to list
Bugs: In ZDoom 2.1.7, it is possible to get stuck in MAP03: Mineopoly after raising the rock stairs, as the engine does not properly handle the map's voodoo doll script, rendering the switch to lower the stairs inaccessible. This does not occur in any other source port.

MAP28: Token Arch-Vile contains HOMs in the building with the bridge when viewed in OpenGL rendering modes. These are mandatory, as fixing them would otherwise ruin the bridge effect in software renderers. It also features no music whatsoever, but this was intentional; it was a decision on the author's part, and is not an oversight.

Several maps also contain sky transfer specials, introduced by the port Marine's Best Friend, which do not work in Boom; at the time they were designed, PrBoom and its brethren allowed sky transfers under Boom compatibility. This is merely a cosmetic issue, though, and does not affect gameplay. Apart from this, there are no other incompatibilities.
Rating: (121 votes)

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