Title: Corruption
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/corruption.zip
Size: 45.03 MB
Date: 07/04/23
Author: NinjaDelphox, EvilNeck, Arsinikk
Description: Decades of peace have passed on the planet Elysia, with one half of the planet belonging to the UAC, and the other belonging to demon kind. One day, a meteor crashes into Mount Esthar, the largest volcano in the demon realm, shaking the planet to its core. An alien parasite slithers its way from the meteor infecting all of demonkind. As things seem like they couldn't get worse, Mount Esthar suddenly erupts, spreading corruption over most of the planet killing all UAC personnel on the planet. Your mission is to travel to Elysia, search for any UAC survivors, and terminate the alien parasite.

Corruption is a thirty-five level MBF21 mapset created by NinjaDelphox, EVILNECK, and Arsinikk, comprised of detailed and action heavy maps inspired by Back to Saturn X2 and Hell Revealed II, along with other games such as Final Fantasy, Castlevania, Ninja Gaiden, Metroid, Resident Evil, and Mega Man.
Base: New from scratch Map 16 features altered room from Project Unity Map 16. Map 30 features altered section from Project Unity Map 32.
Build time: 2 Years, 1 Month
Editor(s) used: Ultimate Doombuilder, Doom Builder X, Doom Builder 2, Slade3, GIMP, Photoshop, Audacity, Whacked4, DecoHack, Sekaiju, eevee Doom Text Generator.
Bugs: There's probably something, but we squashed most of them (Maybe lmao).

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