Title: Doom 2 In City Only
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/d2ico.zip
Size: 48.75 MB
Date: 05/18/24
Author: myolden et al.
Description: Doom 2 In City Only is a 36 map megawad in MBF21 format featuring nothing but city maps. Some of these maps are very large, so it is recommended you play with OpenGL. The set was primarily tested in dsda-doom. There are 6 secret maps (one per episode) with the secret exit being in the middle map of each episode. Jumping and freelook are not intended for this set and will break some maps.
Credits: Titlepic by dashiefrickintyan, M_DOOM and menu graphics by Danlex, Interpic by myolden, HUD by Ludi, ENDOOM by Peccatum Mihzamiz, Animated Skies by Muumi, Additional texture edits by Muumi and Ludi, Zorglo by BluePineapple72. Tested by finnks13, DFF, Novaseer, suzerduzer, myolden, taviow, Weird Sandwich, Sikreci, OverflowingMocha, JackDBS, eater29, Ravendesk, Insane Gazebo, Maribo, Jinxie, Scionox, General Roasterock.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 3 months
Editor(s) used: Ultimate Doom Builder, Slade,
Bugs: None

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