Title: "Dubzzz's 5Minute Design Assembly #2 "
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/d5da2.zip
Size: 1.34 MB
Date: 04/23/22
Author: Multiple
Description: D5DA was inspired by the 5minmap megawad. The idea is you have 5 minutes to make a map layout/thing placement but you have extra time after for bug fixing/playtest/balance, so it ends up more like a 20 minute map in most cases. This time around we got up to 60 maps but 52 - 60 were kind of made after the deadline just to boost the number to 60. :^)
Credits: Meowgi for the intermission map names, TITLEPIC, The Menu pic?, and helping to compile the wad. Andromeda for the INTERPIC. Also to everyone who made a map. :)
Base: Community Project
Build time: roughly 3 days
Editor(s) used: UDB, idk what else.
Bugs: NO

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