Title: DIY
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/diy.zip
Size: 13.9 MB
Date: 10/17/22
Author: Community Project
Description: DIY is a community project aiming to create maps out of solid color textures. It was originally conceived by xvertigox based on "One Bad Map" release.

The maps were ultimately arranged roughly in order of increased difficulty. By the end they turn very hard.

The wad has a secret exit, but it's not on MAP15. Be surprised to find it! (Or just look at UMAPINFO for spoilers)

Doomworld topic: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/130359
Credits: The full list of mappers, as well as all MIDIs that could be tracked down are included in CREDITS.TXT inside archive.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: About 10 months
Editor(s) used: UDB, SLADE3
Bugs: At least one map contains unreachable decorative monsters that would not allow 100% kills.

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