Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/fhc.zip
Size: 13.03 MB
Date: 01/06/24
Author: Jambon, Datacore, Nixx, Roofi, Duskolos, Alephany
Description: Once upon a time, there was a building lost in the middle of a huge canyon filled with flesh and blood, looking strangely like an embryo. No one resides there anymore, except for evil spirits whispering. Why am I here?

Beyond the small story, Embryo is my most detailed map where I reached the limit of sidedefs in limit-removing format. Instead of a traditional action-packed first map, I wanted to make an introductory map oriented on the atmosphere and a rather easy puzzle.
Credits: - id Software for Doom

- Pascal "CodeImp" vd Heiden for Doom Builder

- The XWE team and The Slade team

- The DoomWord Team

- The French doom Community

- The Doomworld Community

- Gromat for Testing and Demos

- [WH]-Wilou84 for feedbacks

- All the people I borrowed the musics, and the textures from (Demonastery, GothicTX, Jambon, Duskolos, Ola "Ukiro" Björling), Scypek for the sky of episode 2

- FranckFrag for GFX
Base: New from scratch
Build time: About 2 years and 6 months
Editor(s) used: DooM Builder 1.68, Ultimade Doom Builder, eXtendable Wad Editor, DoomWord, Slade
Bugs: If you are using ZDaemon or Zandronum, at the final boss it is suggested to enable the freelook in case of problems.

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