Title: Good Morning Phobos
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/gmp.zip
Size: 9.93 MB
Date: 03/30/17
Author: sincity2100
Description: The Mapset is an updated version of the old game it replaces few soundtracks with different ones from popular megawads, also I replaced 3 maps with another 3 new maps, the mapset has a mish mash between old school design and new school design visually, but it has something for everyone, fun and challangeing maps, no slaughterfest maps though..

also I fixed some bugs that testers noticed, Map12 was nearly impossible to beat at pistol start due to design issues, I also fixed the bug from Map15 because the older version is cursed which you can't get 100% Kills due to a teleport bug..
Credits: , here is a track list:
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 3 years 2014-2016 , edits took me a year 2020-2021
Editor(s) used: doom builder 2 - Ultimate Doom Builder - Slade 3 - Whacked4 - XWE
Bugs: Map13 you can only teleport in a certain area once..

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