Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/goodwad.zip
Size: 6 MB
Date: 05/07/23
Author: msx2plus
Description: speedmaps of all varieties (platforming, micro-slaughter, dogshit, shovelware-isms, etc) with build times ranging from a few minutes to a few hours. generally speaking these are challenging (to me, a not spectacular player) or funny or both (and sometimes more). three "game modes" (Normal, NoMo, and OneMo) are included as the difficulty settings and i highly recommend skimming through the "normal" setting first.

dsda-doom with indexed or software rendering recommended!

DO NOT PLAY MAP03 IN GZDOOM. it contains an intentional lag mechanic that may crash it.
Credits: textures: cc4-tex, jimmy, msx2plus, muumi, nick baker, rf, outzone, rage racer, super metroid, tatsujin 2

sprites: amuscaria, hiroshi matsuda (kowai shashin), grimm, nmn, scuba steve

sound & music: please see the bottom of this text file for full list of composers, midi sequencers, etc

thanks: akolai, benjogami, deat, emptycell, insane_gazebo, maribo, meowgi, peccatum mihzamiz, roasterock, rowan, sobad, soulrunner, trotim, vile
Base: new from scratch
Build time: 2-3 weeks total
Editor(s) used: UDB, SLADE, Photoshop, GoldWave, OpenMPT, Sekaiju
Bugs: map02 probably still has at least one softlock hiding in it somewhere. find it and win a prize (the prize is being softlocked).

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