Title: "Grindfest"
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/grindfest.zip
Size: 6.5 MB
Date: 07/09/23
Author: Dubzzz, NoReason, Spendo, Meowgi, 4shockblast, lonely
Description: grindfest started out as a solo project where the main goal was to make purposefully grindy maps... NoReason had the same idea apparently and foolishly decided to collab with me. Then we got Spendo to join and a couple guest mappers. Now we have 33 action packed.... gameplay maps for you to enjoy. I would say these are mostly speedmaps but still some took a while to make just due to the sheer amount of gameplay.
Credits: Meowgi for the TITLEPIC/M_DOOM. Spendo for the INTERPIC.
Base: Small Project
Build time: About a month
Editor(s) used: UDB, idk what else.
Bugs: NO

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