Title: Hardfest 2
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/hardfest2.zip
Size: 37.55 MB
Date: 03/10/24
Author: Various
Description: Are you sick and tired of not having the shit kicked out of you when playing doom? Try Hardfest 2 today! It's apparently quite good!

Featuring 40 maps by 24 designers in a variety of styles, there's surely something for even the most picky of doom enthusiast here! Unless you only like boring maps. Have a look somewhere else for that.
Credits: PROJECT LEAD: finnks13

MAPPERS: akolai Astro X Cannonball CblBOPOTKA CittyKat112 Dan dashlet el inferno finnks13 Knifeworld LPad Maribo Nefelibeta Ravendesk rd Red Boule RockyGaming4725 Scorpius svar taviow Thelokk whybmonotacrab Worriedidiot Yumheart

TEXTURES: The cool CC4-tex list: NiGHTMARE Espi Eriance Fredrik Johansson Janitor DaGGeR Ola Bjorling Vader XDelusion esselfortium RottKing Nuxius Afterglow AgentSpork RottKing Enjay Huy Pham SargeBaldy Tormentor667 The GothicDM Team The Requiem Team The Eternal Doom Team id Software Raven Software Rogue Entertainment Additional Skies by Mechadon, Eradrop and from TNT:Evilution Assorted textures by Jimmy Magnolia textures by FuzzballFox and 40oz Assorted textures from OTEX by ukiro Moon textures by skillsaw Band Posters by Tropical Fuck Storm & Idles Assorted textures from DBP11, DIY, Lost Civilization, Deus Vult II

SPRITES: Darker Chaingun by Arsinikk Dark BFG by Yugiboy85 from Occula, small edits by gabirupee & finnks13 Black Gloves for weapons by Grimm and MrFireSeth Infinite Rocket Launcher from Doom 64 Green Cyberdemons from Finely Crafted Fetish Film Arachnorb by Jimmy & Yurithehairfan

SOUNDS: Arachnorb SFX by Jimmy, id Software & 3D Realms Plasma gun SFX from NoSp3

GRAPHICS: M_DOOM by Korp TITLEPIC by Christophine Place

MUSIC: Korp LPad Ravendesk thelokk Scorpius

ZDaemon CTF III (MAP28) Fortress 2 Blue (MAP32) zan-zan-zawa-veia (MAP34) Jimmy (MAP39)

PLAYTESTING: BDubzzz besus bofu brendondle CittyKat112 DmitryExhale el inferno finnks13 Insane_Gazebo JoeSchmoe Knifeworld LadyMistDragon NinthBurn Maribo Scotty Starduster Ravendesk ScrappyMcDoogerton thelokk
Base: New from scratch
Build time: Just over six months
Editor(s) used: Ultimate Doom Builder, Doom Builder X, Slade3, paint.net, DoomWriter
Bugs: None, I hope :P

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