Title: Headless Chicken
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/hdlschkn.zip
Size: 35.24 MB
Date: 01/27/24
Author: Luca 'Chookum' Pavone
Description: Headless Chicken is a arcade action, comical variety Megawad, with Doomguy being chased by chickens and other demons too.

Contains 33 levels, and a DEHACKED and more for use in classic and modern ports.


FR: Captain Chicken (chickenc@command.uac.com) TO: Doomguy #72 (doomguy72@dguys.uac.com) SUB: NEW COMBAT ZONE ASSIGNMENT: SOUTH AMERICA (CONFIDENTIAL) MSG:


Satellite Imaging from the UAC's Aerospace Earth program has discovered more demon holdouts between the countries of Bolivia, Paraguay, and Argentia.

Actions by these demons include the wholesale slaughter of towns and villages, the appropriation and subsequent mutilation of temples and cultural artifacts, and the occupation of the city of Tarija where we have a UAC Starport.

This wholesale slaughter of humans, destruction of relics, and theft of UAC property is obviously heinous, and is not tolerated by our customers, shareholders, and the board. Therefore, we have engaged you at doubled rates to continue your mission of killing the demons and closing their portals on Earth and beyond.

DOOMGUY 72, you have been chosen for this mission for your exceptional prowess displayed in the Ballistic Rapid Refire Training program, superiors noting exceptional pistol marksmanship and chaingun control. For this reason, you have also been authorised to wear the UAC Ballistic Capacity Trousers instead of the standard UAC Marine Trousers. We have also fitted your helmet with an incoming warning sensor for the 'Revenant' missiles.

We'll be shipping you to French Guiana to rendezvous with our airdrop team, and the flight will take a few hours to reach the dropzone in the alps. Thankfully, we discovered you and your colleagues are immune to fall damage, so we're making a mint saving on parachutes. Silver linings and all.

Remember: If the threat escalates beyond your given mission parameters, you have tacit approval from the UAC brass to be discretionary. If you have to go into space, so be it. If you have to go back into Heck to deal with this, then we put our faith in you, DOOMGUY 72.

Regards, Captain Chicken, UAC Command HQ

====DEHACKED CHANGES==== - Faster firing weapons with Doomguy's fancy BRRT training: - chainsaw (4 tics -> 3 tics) - pistol (14 -> 9) - shotgun (37 -> 32) - chaingun (4 -> 3) - plasma rifle refire (20 -> 12) - super shotty, rocket launcher, and bfg are unchanged - except the super shotty's glitched muzzle flash. That had to go. - Always-Accurate Pistol (No ReFire check) - Increased bullet capacity (200 -> 250, 400 -> 500 with Backpack)

- Lost Souls have less health (100 -> 45) - One replacement enemy (WolfSS -> Former Lieutenant) - One new enemy (LostSoulCorpse -> Kamikaze) - One delicious chicken (CommanderKeen -> Chicken, with A_KeenDie still in) - Beeping Homing Revenant Projectiles

And some other little Q.O.L improvements via DECORATE, if your port supports reading/interpreting the lump(s): - Kamikaze and Former Lieutenant Brightmaps/GLDefs. - Different pickup sounds for health, armour, ammo, powerups, keys, etc. - Picking up keys affects all/most living players. - Corrected Caco, Hell Noble and Specter Blood Colours.

And the wonders of ACS have allowed for the following: - Dramatic changes in music! - An Announcer, who can be shut up with a CVAR/menu option! > hdls_announcer (User-side boolean for the announcer, default: true) > hdls_weapons (User-side boolean for announcing weapons, defaults: true) > hdls_missions (User-side boolean for announcing missions, default: true) > hdls_tally (User-side boolean for announcing all kills and secrets, default: true)

====MAP LISTING==== EPISODE 1: STICKS AND STONES MAP01: "Touchdown" MAP02: "Winding Valley" MAP03: "Mossy Cavern" MAP04: "Moonlit Lake" MAP05: "Abandoned Village" MAP06: "On the Edge"

EPISODE 2: TROUBLESOME TEMPLES MAP07: "Dead Serious" MAP08: "Forsaken Slums" MAP09: "Garden Courtyard" MAP10: "The Cistern" MAP11: "Grand Palace" MAP12: "Ritual Platform"

EPISODE 3: URBANE JUNGLE MAP13: "Urban Sprawl" MAP14: "Under the Rose" MAP15: "Take-Out" MAP16: "Riverside Sindustry" MAP17: "Parklife" MAP18: "My Way, Or..."

EPISODE 4: SUDDENLY COSMIC MAP19: "All Aboard!" MAP20: "Turbulence" MAP21: "Callisto Science Station" MAP22: "Io Refuelling Array" MAP23: "Mars Base" MAP24: "Regolith"

EPISODE 5: THAT PESKY HECK MAP25: "Oh, Heck!" MAP26: "Unreal Tech" MAP27: "Gutsy" MAP28: "Hotpot" MAP29: "Bisch-Bosch" MAP30: "Bop In The Nose"

THE FUNNY MAPS MAP31: "Barfly" MAP32: "(Kill) The Mall" MAP33: "Pleasure Dome"
Credits: ====PLAYTESTERS==== >Learete >Red Rory >Black Shuck 97 >DavidN >Clippy Clippington >NilsQ >Matacrat >Sandwedge (And Friends) >Bridgeburner65 >Galileo3ldos01 >Firedust >bnbhehe >MEANOR

====COMMUNITY SHOUTOUTS==== >Doomworld >The Crispy Chicken Chill Zone >Pineapple Under The Sea >The Hellforge >Bunsoft + Hareware >Wandering Star Online

====CUSTOM MONSTERS==== Chicken, by TheDoomedArchvile/Raven Software Plasma Zombie, by Tormentor667 (Adapted into the Former Lieutenant) Suicide Bomber, by Tormentor667

all DeHackEd adaptation/implementation by yours truly

====GRAPHICS CREDITS==== aa-tex.wad compiled and released by: 40oz, Afterglow, AgentSpork, Blue Shadow, Cage, DaGGeR, Enjay, Eriance, Espi, esselfortium, Eternal Doom Team, Fredrik Johansson, FuzzballFox, GothicDM Team, Huy Pham, Iikka Keranen, Ion Storm, Janitor, lupinx-Kassman, Mechadon, Nightfall, NiGHTMARE, Nuxius, Ola Bjorling, Roger Ritenour, Rogue Entertainment, RottKing, SargeBaldy, skillsaw, Sock, Spackle, Tarnsman, Tormentor667, Vader, Valve Software, XDelusion, zrrion the insect

duketex.wad compiled by Tormentor667, with the work of 3D Realms. Messy palette conversions by yours truly.

cc4-tex.wad's crate textures compiled by the Doom community? (Who do I credit?)

(All AA-TEX.wad textures in TEXTURE2) (Non AA-TEX.wad textures in TEXTURE1)

Totally Awesome Chicken's iconography belongs to Splash Damage/Dirty Bomb

BIGFONT is Status Report, by Jimmy / iD Software

SKYCH_01 - "A Beautiful Hellscape" created by '@ai_curio_bot' https://twitter.com/ai_curio_bot/status/1549349332624838661

====MUSEUM IMAGES==== This needs its own section.

COWALIEN - Cows, cowboy, and Aliens picture, by Mark Rogers BARNSKY - Photograph of a beautiful evening sky, possibly doctored MONALISA - Mona Lisa Digitally Remastered, by "leo" from pixel.com SANDTUFA - Photograph of Sand Tufas HCKGATE1 - Hawaiian lava flow that looks like a gate to heck if you squint SPIDLEGS - Spindly Legged Monster thing from outside of St. Pauls Cathedral LONGBUN1 - Photograph of a stretching brown hare in snow LONGBUN2 - Photograph of a jackrabbit looking at the camera COCOCRAB - Coconut Crab, taken from Wikipedia

EGYART01 - Egyptian Hieroglyphs RELIEF1 - Engraving from Cyprus RELIEF2 - Dancing Maenad, Greek/Roman, circa 500 BC?

STANMOT* - All artwork by British petrolhead/treadhead Stanley Mott STANMOT1 - The Day Airlines took up Air Racing STANMOT2 - Les 24 Heures de Choo Choo, Drifting Trains STANMOT3 - Stanley Mott's Ideal Ride STANMOT4 - Land Aircraft Carrier STANMOT5 - Les 24 Heures de Choo Choo, Pit Stop STANMOT6 - Land Battleship STANMOT7 - Sports Battletank STANMOT8 - The History of Tanks STANMOT9 - The History of Tanks STANMOT0 - Les 24 Heures de Choo Choo, Banner

PYNCHON* - Reclusive author Thomas Pynchon's yearbook photo

====CUSTOM SOUNDS==== Final Doomer by Yholl, Sgt. Shivers et. al for compiling the following sounds: iD Software/Doom 3: Ammo and Item Pickup Sounds Chair Entertainment/Shadow Complex: Other Item Pickup Sounds. Croteam/Serious Sam HD: Armour Pickup Sounds

All Final Doomer pickup sounds are prefixed "P_".

DSPISTOL - Metal Slug 6 Pistol Sound DSWPNUP - Metal Slug Weapon Pickup Sound DSBOSCUB - Metal Slug Tank OUT Noise DSSECRET - Metal Slug X Score Tally Noise(?) DSSGCOCK - Metal Slug X 'Go' Noise

Metal Slug Sound Rip from: https://www.youtube.com/user/aguila822/videos Metal Slug (c) SNK Playmore

All Announcer Sounds are prefixed "AN_".

Custom Monster Sounds: DSSSSIT - Kamikaze Scream mixed into doom sounds (by Tormentor667?) DSSSDTH - Serious Sam Kamikaze Scream (Croteam)

DSKEENDT - Chicken Death DSKEENPN - Chicken Pain DSSKLDTH - Chicken Wander

Chicken sounds found by TheDoomedArchvile from FreeSounds and Raven Software.

====CUSTOM MUSIC==== Music Sources and Arrangement Credits:

vgmusic.com vanbasco.com/midisearch.html mirsoft.info lost.voidaudio.net

D_DM2TTL: Mega Man X5 - Stage Introduction, by King Meteor (vgmusic.com) D_DM2INT: Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter - Player Select, by Tsu Ryu and Dorase Hiyuki (vgmusic.com) D_DM2IN2: Metal Slug 3 - Carry Out (Mission Complete), by Takushi Hiyamuta (HIYA!) D_DM2IN3: Metal Slug 2 - End Title Again (Ending Theme), by Takushi Hiyamuta (HIYA!)

D_READ_M: Mega Man X5 - Stage Select (Unused), by King Meteor D_READ_2: Paladin's Quest - Lennus Rag, by Daniel Marjenburgh (vgmusic.com)

MAP01/D_RUNNIN: "DC-10 Jet" ambient loop from https://www.freesoundeffects.com/free-sounds/airplane-10004/ MAP01/D_MSLUG1: Metal Slug - Mission 1, by S.C.T. (vgmusic.com) MAP02/D_STALKS: Sonic Adventure - Windy and Ripply (Emerald Coast 2), by Monster Iestyn (vgmusic.com, newly submitted files) MAP03/D_COUNTD: Super Castlevania IV - Block 3-2, by JILost (vgmusic.com) MAP04/D_BETWEE: Sonic Adventure - Icecap (Snowy Mountain) by John Weeks (vgmusic.com) MAP05/D_DOOM: Super Metroid - Red Brinstar, by JILost (vgmusic.com) MAP06/D_THE_DA: Castlevania III - Anxiety Remix by Jay Reichard (vgmusic.com)

MAP07/D_SHAWN: Serious Sam TFE - Approaching Thebes, by Naberniser (vgmusic.com) MAP08/D_DDTBLU: Secret of Evermore - Major Boss Battle, by The Jade Emperor (vgmusic.com) MAP09/D_IN_CIT: Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow - Floating Garden, by Jorge D. Fuentes (vgmusic.com) MAP10/D_DEAD: Sonic Adventure - Tricky Maze (Lost World), by Monster Iestyn MAP11/D_STLKS2: Star Fox Adventures - Krazoa Palace, by BTHive/Mike (vgmusic.com) MAP12/D_THEDA2: Etrian Odyssey 3 - Hoist the Sword With Pride In the Heart, by Wobuffet3 (vgmusic.com)

MAP13/D_DOOM2: Streets of Rage - Stage 1, by ex-driver (vgmusic.com, newly submitted files) MAP14/D_DDTBL2: Metal Gear Solid 2 - Big Shell Strut A, by James Flynn (vgmusic.com) MAP14/D_ALERT: Metal Gear Solid 2 - Tanker Alert, by King Meteor MAP14/D_CAUTIO: Metal Gear Solid 2 - Twilight Sniping, by James Flynn MAP15/D_RUNNI2: Blast Corps - Carrick Point, by Pongball (vgmusic.com) MAP16/D_DEAD2: Streets of Rage - Stage 7, by Silver Blade (vgmusic.com) MAP16/D_SUBMAR: Metal Slug 6 - Steel Beast 5 & 6 Beats, by TheGreatestDarn (vgmusic.com, newly submitted files) MAP17/D_STLKS3: Blur - Girls and Boys, unknown author, found it from: http://www.ossh.com/midi/mobile_polyphonic_ringtones_03/blur/ MAP18/D_ROMERO: Megaman X6 - Infinity Mijinion, by King Meteor

MAP19/D_SHAWN2: Metal Slug 2/X - Mission 3 (Living on the Deck), by Silgim (vgmusic.com, midishow.com) MAP20/D_MESSAG: Perfect Dark - DataDyne Extraction, by Zero Beats (vgmusic.com) MAP21/D_COUNT2: Metal Gear Solid 2 - Big Shell Strut C, by James Flynn MAP22/D_DDTBL3: Perfect Dark - Attack Ship, by Iceplug (vgmusic.com) MAP23/D_AMPIE: Sonic Adventure - Final Egg Type 1: Mechanical Resonance, by Monster Iestyn MAP24/D_THEDA3: Demon's Souls - Maiden in Black, by Wyatt Croucher (vgmusic.com)

MAP25/D_ADRIAN: Sonic Adventure - Perfect CHAOS (2nd Ver.), by John Weeks MAP26/D_MESSG2: Etrian Odyssey 2 - Battlefield (Shiver), by Wobuffet3 MAP27/D_ROMER2: F-Zero X - Sand Ocean, by King Meteor MAP28/D_TENSE: Mystical Ninja starring Goemon: Gourmet Soup Castle A, by Blitz Lunar (vgmusic.com) MAP29/D_SHAWN3: Terraria - The Crimson, by Jay Reichard MAP30/D_OPENIN: "Windy" loop from https://www.freesoundeffects.com/free-sounds/wind-sounds-10041/ MAP30/D_FINAL1: Metal Slug - Assault Theme, by Metrostar (vgmusic.com) MAP30/D_FINAL2: Metal Slug - Final Attack, by Silgim

MAP31/D_EVIL: Sonic Adventure - Dilapidated Way, by King Meteor MAP32/D_ULTIMA: Blast Corps - Skerries, by Pongball MAP33/D_PLEASU: Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon - Gorgeous Musical Castle 'Goe Goe Spark', by Iceplug
Base: Modified version of AA-TEX
Build time: Started 16/20/20. 36 months to completion, 37 to release
Editor(s) used: Ultimate Doom Builder, SLADE, GIMP, Audacity, Winamp, Notepad++
Bugs: MAP01's skydive is extremely fast on modern ports in default compatibility settings. Kamikazes launch the player straight up in GZDoom ports. This is retained because it is amusing.

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