Title: ichinichi
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/ichinichi.zip
Size: 3.07 MB
Date: 08/09/23
Author: TheMightyWhoosh
Description: What is ichinichi? : 32 limit-removing vanilla maps using only stock textures and music! If you have played KINDa.wad previously, you'll find the gameplay familar. Each map was created within a 24 hour period, resulting in small to medium sized maps of all different themes (and thus naming the project "ichinichi", which translates as "one day" in Japanese).

The story so far : The UAC have once again requested your help to suppress hellspawn that have infected various corners of the Solar System. You take up the offer and are transported to the first of 32 locations. Something however doesn't feel right. Why do you feel uneasy? It is a sensation you haven't felt before and one that you cannot shake off. Battle your way through the demons and find out the answers...
Credits: ID Software eharper256 DRON12261 NewKid121 TrackFederal The Doom community generally <3
Base: New from scratch
Build time: It took a fair while, put it that way...
Editor(s) used: Ultimate Doom Builder, WhackEd4, XWE and Slade
Bugs: None

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