Title: Somewhere in Time
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/intime.zip
Size: 964.05 KB
Date: 05/06/16
Author: Zoltan Schmidt "Katamori"
Description: "Somewhere in Time" is a set of 15+1 pure vanilla Doom 2 maps, inspired by the greatest of this category, most importantly Reverie, Revolution! and Scythe.

My primary aim was to create extraordinary maps, reaching the boundaries of gameplay, design - and Chocolate Doom!

Sadly, this was not done perfectly, as I lost motivation after losing some maps, but in the end, I'm satisfied anyway.

Moreover, the significance of this project for me is that it followed through not only my "career" as an improving Doom map designer but a huge portion of my life as well, which full of changes and improvements, so whenever I check out these maps, I can clearly remember, when and why did I do them.

This may not mean so much for you, but in the end, the only thing that matters is that I hope you enjoy this humble (and hopefully unique) set I created - dedicated to the Doom community!

The name comes from the legendary 1986 album of Iron Maiden; I thought it's fitting because of the varying themes of the WAD, and the time difference between the creation of the maps!
Credits: NonneeLlama, Memfis/kuchitsu, scifista42, tourniquet , Cell, pcorf, skillsaw, gaspe, Mr.Chris, Lainos, Antroid, dobugabumaru, Jimmy91, valkiriforce, rdwpa, joe-ilya, and all those who I forgot mentioning.

In general, I can thank a lot to the entirety of Doomworld Forums community, because several people inspired me to start mapping and make it happen - thank you guys, you're amazing!
Base: New from scratch
Build time: FOUR DAMN YEARS!!! Includes heavy months of fallback, because of the loss of several maps, and the resulting lack of motivation.
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 2 & GZDoom Builder, SLADE, MID2MUS, Paint.NET & some bitmap font writer for graphics
Bugs: Some visplane overflow errors and a bunch of misalinged textures, but nothing worse.
Rating: (18 votes)

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Getsu Fune
fun and quickx
Well done classic WAD. Not very long but lots of fun. Good job, through and through.x
Very good classic feeling - I like.x
Pretty good, I enjoyed it.x

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