Title: Junkfood
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/junkfood.zip
Size: 11.56 MB
Date: 01/04/23
Author: Meowgi (Lead) 4shockblast, A1s, Arbys550, Billa, BiZ, brendondle, cassis, Colossus, Dan, dashiefrick
Credits: All of the people who participated.

Dubzzz and Ravendesk for their invaluable help playtesting and assisting with map ordering.

noreason who also did a lot of playtesting for this.

dashiefrickintyan for the custom status bar, INTER/TITLEPIC, and Green and Blue Armor replacement sprites.

petyan for creating the invuln palette.

forgettablepyromaniac for the Medikit/Stimpack and Berserk replacement sprites.

Meowgi for organizing the project, bonus replacement sprites, compiling all build versions, and implementing difficulties for all maps.

The authors of 32in24-15-tex.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: Roughly 3 weeks
Editor(s) used: UDB, Slade, GIMP
Bugs: None

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