Title: Moonblood
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/moonbld.zip
Size: 3.9 MB
Date: 04/13/17
Author: Deadwing
Description: Moonblood is a megawad (32 levels) for Doom 2. The Project has started with remastering the levels from my first wad, Eclipse, but the changes became quite big and I decided to turn it into Moonblood (it was initially called Revclipse, then after Reclipse). The levels were most inspired by early Scythe 1 levels, Jenesis, Mano Laikas and DTWID series.
Credits: gaspe, rdwpa, mouldy, koren, skepticist, an_mutt, leodoom85, NoisyVelvet, joe-ilya, antares031, memfis, rhinoduck, Keyboard_Doomer, SSGMaster, rodster, scifista42, dobu gabu maru and EffinghamHuffnagel for providing feedback, demos and helping me out!
Base: Eclpseii
Build time: One and a half year
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder, XWE, Photoshop.
Bugs: None
Rating: (1 vote)

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