Title: NEGATIVE ONE: Beyond The Experiment
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/negativeone.zip
Size: 18.87 MB
Date: 04/15/22
Author: The Doomworld Forums (See CREDITS.TXT)
Description: NEGATIVEONE (or Doom -1) is a collaborative wad started by AtticTelephone at July 18 of 2020. It started as a single map project where someboy take the lastest version of the map, made the changes he wanted and uploaded the new version, allowing other persons to edit the map.

This project have grown from a single vanilla map to a boom-compatible 35 MAP MEGAWAD, with custom monsters and story, edited by 45~ DIFFERENT PEOPLE, with a total of 680 EDITS!

The original final version was published on October 8 of 2020, but some of us tought the wad needed more polishment, and made a version named "Beyond the Experiment", with bugfixes and more polished levels.

The original final version its available in this thread: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/117325-doom-1-the-final-release/

The dev. threads of original and bugfix project: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/115781-doom-1-a-doomworld-experiment/ https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/117348-doom-1-negative-one-beyond-the-experiment-development-thread/
Base: New from scratch
Build time: About 1 year and half
Editor(s) used: UDB, GZDoom Builder, Eureka, SLADE3, etc
Bugs: When you TNTEM the Hell Dragons became ghosts. Probably can be an issue with the sourceport calling A_PainDie when the TNTEM cheat is used.

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