Title: Not Even Remotely Fair
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/nerf.zip
Size: 23 MB
Date: 01/15/24
Author: Peter "MegaSphere" Lawrence
Description: 32 Maps for DOOM II (Limit Removing, complevel 2) Nightmare Difficulty Only All Original Soundtrack

Download the soundtrack here: https://megasphere.bandcamp.com/album/not-even-remotely-fair-original-soundtrack

DEHACKED changes: Tyrants (Spider Mastermind replacement) Green Cyberdemons with only 1000hp and can infight with Cyberdemons. They have the Commander Keen death state so killing them can open doors tagged 666.

Silvergunners (Wolf SS replacement) Identical to regular Chaingunners in every way, except they drop Clips instead of Chainguns.

Spider Mastermind (Keen replacement) It's a Spider Mastermind but is now affected by splash damage due to limitations.

Big Brain (Modified Romero Head) Exits the level immediately when killed, used for death exits.

Big Brain Original (Techpillar replacement) A restoration of the original Romero Head behaviour.

Barrel Instant (Dead Lost Soul replacement) An explosive barrel with 1hp and explodes immediately.

Map Authors: Episode 1 Maps MAP01: "Four Rockets" Peter Lawrence (MegaSphere)

MAP02: "Untamed Grotto" Benchy

MAP03: "Fireblu Baptism" BooTheJudge

MAP04: "In the Pits" MegaSphere

MAP05: "Do It Again" Dwars and Benchy

MAP06: "Rats in the Walls" Christophine Place

MAP07: "Across the Highlands" Xulgonoth

MAP08: "Running in the 90's" Anarki, Xulgonoth, and Christophine Place

MAP09: "The Bloody Awful" BooTheJudge

MAP10: "Let Me In" borogk

MAP11: "Crudge" decino

Episode 2 Maps MAP12: "Air Fryer" Benchy

MAP13: "Uptown" GamingGargoyle

MAP14: "Castling In Check" Ludi

MAP15: "Break From Blood" Christophine Place

MAP16: "Skull Geometry" Benchy

MAP17: "Obsidian Tower" MegaSphere

MAP18: "Toxic Irony" SeeJay

MAP19: "Trirannical Terror" SeeJay

MAP20: "Metal Migrane" Benchy

Episode 3 Maps MAP21: "Stardust" Benchy

MAP22: "Valley Fever" GamingGargoyle

MAP23: "Blue Monday" Benchy

MAP24: "Fireblu Dreams" Matthew DeCalzadilla (Moustachio)

MAP25: "Bloodstream" Ravendesk

MAP26: "Mountain Complex" RedBoule

MAP27: "Out of this World" MegaSphere

MAP28: "Styx" Benchy

MAP29: "Cold Beige Techbase" decino

MAP30: "The Final Stage" MegaSphere

Secret Levels MAP31: "The Chasm But Real" decino

MAP32: "Circumscription" Benchy, decino, MegaSphere, and SeeJay

MAP33: "Error 405" Xulgonoth

Soundtrack Authors: Episode 1 OST MAP01: "Four Rockets" MegaSphere

MAP02: "Untamed Grotto" MegaSphere

MAP03: "Fireblu Baptism" MegaSphere

MAP04: "In the Pits" MegaSphere

MAP05: "Do It Again" MegaSphere and Dwars

MAP06: "Rats in the Walls" MegaSphere

MAP07: "Across the Highlands" MegaSphere and decino

MAP08: "Dozy Dust" decino

MAP09: "The Bloody Awful" MegaSphere

MAP10: "Let Me In" MegaSphere

MAP11: "Crudge" MegaSphere

Episode 2 OST MAP12: "Air Fryer" SynDoom & MegaSphere

MAP13: "Uptown" MegaSphere

MAP14: "Castling in Check" MegaSphere

MAP15: "On The Shoulders of Giants" MegaSphere & Xulgonoth

MAP16: "Skull Geometry" SynDoom

MAP17: "Obsidian Tower" MegaSphere

MAP18: "Toxic Irony" MegaSphere

MAP19: "Trirannical Terror" MegaSphere

MAP20: "Metal Migraine" MegaSphere and James Paddock

Episode 3 OST MAP21: "Stardust" MegaSphere & Dwars

MAP22: "Do It For The Vine" Korp

MAP23: "Blue Monday" MegaSphere

MAP24: "Hishousouzan" Cammy

MAP25: "He Tricks Me Like a Gentleman" Cammy & Ravendesk

MAP26: "Mountain Complex" MegaSphere

MAP27: "Out of this World" MegaSphere

MAP28: "Styx" MegaSphere

MAP29[pt1]: "Cow Bell Track" decino

MAP29[pt2]: "Cries Beyond Terror" MegaSphere

MAP30[pt1]: "NERF Intro Extended" MegaSphere

MAP30[pt2]: "NERF Credits" MegaSphere (uses sample from Abdul Cisse & Epic Games)

MAP30[pt3]: "D_CBT" FSII (Edited by MegaSphere)

Secret Levels OST MAP31: "In the Dank" decino

MAP32: "Light at the End of the Tunnel" MegaSphere


Miscellaneous OST Title screen: "NERF OST - Title" MegaSphere

Intermission screen: "NERF OST - Intermission" MegaSphere

Text screen: "NERF OST - Text Screen" MegaSphere

Disclaimers: Learning a map layout when on Nightmare is quite intense so we recommend playing on easier skill levels first which remove all non-essential monsters.

'Save Scum', and 'Load Lame' are NOT to discourage use of saves, they are intended only as funny gags.

The intermission screen texts are to serve as comic relief in between episodes.

Despite the many references we do not encourage real life CBT.
Credits: Title pic, Credit pic & Bossback by Dashietyan https://www.deviantart.com/dashietyan

Special Thanks to Oxbridge for additional community support and assistance with licenses.

Not Even Remotely Fair Palette, Intermission pic, Help pic, ENDOOM, and John Romero sprites (BBRNA0 & BBRNB0) by Peter Lawrence

out-of-order sign on Difficulty Selection by benchy and Peter Lawrence

Icon of Sin Rude Hand Sign Texture by Peter Lawrence using render of model from id Software's Doom Eternal

Lavafall, FirebluFall, Brown waterfall, Blue waterfall are edits of id Software's NukageFall texture (Editing done by Peter Lawrence) Fireblu Liquid Flat is an edit of id Software's Nukage texture (Editing done by Peter Lawrence)

Poopy Hitler Portraits from id Software's Doom II with poop added by Peter Lawrence

Green Cyberdemon and Green Chaingunner sprites by id Software, edited by Peter Lawrence https://www.youtube.com/c/PeterLawrenceYT/

Not Even Remotely Fair uses textures from OTEX and CC4. https://doom.ukiro.com/about-otex/ https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/graphics/otex_1_1 https://doomwiki.org/wiki/Cc4-tex https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/cchest4

Skys from 'Mek's Box 'o Skies' by Mechadon (Episode 3 sky is a composite of two Mechadon skys, arranged by Peter Lawrence) http://mekworx.the-powerhouse.net/meks-box-o-skies/ https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/92795-meks-box-o-skies-v3-look-up-in-the-sky-more-skies/

Distorted Hell Knight Face texture (Lump name CRSHFACE) from Hell Revealed https://www.doomworld.com/files/file/7947-hell-revealed/

SCALES_B is from Swim with the Whales https://doomwiki.org/wiki/Swim_With_The_Whales https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/Ports/s-u/swtw

ACDxxx Arcade Textures By AshtralFiend https://www.doomworld.com/profile/47125-ashtralfiend/

This WAD uses material from the Wikipedia articles 'Cock and ball torture' and 'Erotic asphyxiation', under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cock_and_ball_torture https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erotic_asphyxiation https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/

This WAD uses the File:CocknBallTorture.ogg from Wikimedia Commons made by User:FSII under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license. This audio has been modified for this WAD by Peter Lawrence and is the lump name D_CBT. https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:CocknBallTorture.ogg https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en

Fantastic YouTube comment (taking my like away) used in Episode 2 Text Screen by zerp blerd. https://www.youtube.com/@zerpblerd5966/

Twemoji, Copyright 2020 Twitter, Inc and other contributors licensed under CC-BY 4.0: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Lump ARCADECH and ARCADEFB, Ryu and Zangief sprites owned by Capcom. Lump ARCADECH, Raiden and Scorpion sprites owned by Netherrealm Studios. Lump ARCADETA and ARCADET2, Taiko no Tatsujin owned by Bandai Namco.

Icon of Sin lines taken from 'Minecraft with Gadget by Mike Matei'
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 2 Years (From January 24th, 2022 to December 29th, 2023)
Editor(s) used: UltimateDoomBuilder, SLADE3, GIMP, Aseprite, FL Studio, Sekaiju, OpenMPT.

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