Title: Nostalgia 2
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/nost2.zip
Size: 6.37 MB
Date: 10/20/23
Author: myolden
Description: Nostalgia 2 is a set of 32 limit removing maps for Doom 2. Much like the original the focus is on modern map design slathered with a layer of old school paint, but now expanded on with the CC4 resource pack and new episode themes. It also includes a custom HUD created by me along with a custom monster reskin (featured in the secret maps) created and voiced by BluePineapple72. Unlike the previous installment there are no death exits between episodes. The maps were designed with pistol starts in mind, but you could also pistol start each episode as well for a hybrid pistol start/continuous playthrough. In addition, co-op is fully implemented and tested.
Credits: Testers: BluePineapple72, Egg Boy, Peccatum Mihzamiz, and Death Bear. M_DOOM and Alien enemy by BluePineapple72. Special thanks to the following folk from the Doomworld thread who reported miscellaneous bugs and glitches: Gothic Box, EANB, EffinghamHuffnagel, General Roasterock, Heretic926, and Hebonky. Extra special thanks to ProfBloom and Vile for streaming the set on Twitch!
Base: New from scratch
Build time: Did not track
Editor(s) used: Ultimate Doom Builder, Slade, GIMP, Reaper
Bugs: None

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