Title: NOVA II: New Dawn
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/nova2.zip
Size: 13.84 MB
Date: 11/28/15
Author: TeamNOVA 2
Description: /\/\/\FILE UPDATED (Ver 1.2) 3/27/16/\/\/\ 32 maps for any limit removing port. Like its predecessor, NOVA II is a megawad designed to give new mappers a chance to flex their mapping muscles and develop their abilities with the help of veteran mappers. Not all the maps in here are from newbies, but for the most part what you'll see in here are people's first forays into the world of Doom mapping.
Credits: Dobu Gabu Maru for leading the project, tourniquet for assistance and compiling, kildeth for starting the project, Obsidian for the final boss, plums for the initial texture pack, Eriance for the final boss sprites, EffinghamHuffnagel for some pretty space pictures, Jaws in Space for multiplayer placement, all the people who made a map for NOVA II: couldn't have done it without ya! Also all the people who playtested in the Megawad Club and recorded demos for us: probably couldn't have done it without you either. :P
Base: New from scratch
Build time: About 1 year
Editor(s) used: Various
Bugs: -Map29 and Map32 can't be played with ZDaemon due to usage of extended nodes. -Map30 can't be finished with -nomonsters parameter.
Rating: (27 votes)

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