Title: OBZEN
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/obzen.zip
Size: 1.48 MB
Date: 10/20/23
Author: myolden
Description: OBZEN is a set of 32 limit removing CL4 maps for the Plutonia IWAD. These are short maps with low monster counts (100 or less, unless playing co-op) with a heavy emphasis on high difficulty, evil traps, and hard fights. In addition each map generally sticks to the texture usage of its corresponding Plutonia map, alongside some architectural and layout references for those familiar with IWAD.
Credits: M_DOOM by BluePineapple72, TITLEPIC and INTERPIC by Death Bear, ENDOOM by Peccatum Mihzamiz, HUD by Ludi. Lingyan203, AD_79, Flower_XD, Firedust, MtPain27, and Muumi for bug reports. Also thanks to vile for streaming his playthrough on twitch.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: Did not track
Editor(s) used: Ultimate Doom Builder, Slade, GIMP
Bugs: None

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